8 Things Your E-Commerce Site Should Have

A website's design plays a significant factor in the success of an e-commerce business. However, having a beautifully designed website is not enough; you also need to know what features your customers are looking for.   Not sure which features are the must-haves for every e-commerce site? Take a look at this list.

1. User-friendliness


Any trustworthy digital marketing agency will tell you that one of the first things you should do with your website is to make it user-friendly. Even if you have a target demographic, people of all ages and backgrounds should be able to use it, so keep your design simple yet elegant and functional. Your customers should be able to browse your selection, choose products, and make a purchase without having to go through complicated steps.


Here are some tips to remember when improving your site's user-friendliness:


  • Make navigation easy
  • Avoid too many pages
  • Have an autocomplete function
  • Offer multiple payment options


2. Make your site mobile-friendly


About 57% of people do their online shopping (including research, price comparisons, etc.) on a mobile device. So if you want to attract more customers to your site, optimize your website to be mobile-friendly.


3. HD material


We're approaching 2020; there's no reason to have low-resolution pictures or videos on your retail website! Remember: it's the images that sell, no matter how great the description is below it.


4. Reviews


Online shoppers read reviews before making a decision, which is the reason why user-generated reviews are so important for retail websites. Even the negative feedback can be used as a good thing; if the bad reviews aren't censored, it will make your site seem more genuine.


5. Related items


Putting related items below a product can make customers buy more than they intended to. This section piques their curiosity, and may even show them a product that they didn't know they needed. You can also put in a section like "people who bought this also liked" or "based on your current purchases, you may also like," and more.


6. Security


Customers should be able to trust you with their money and personal information, so having these security features on your website is a must:


  • Firewall
  • Privacy policy
  • SSL certificate (lock symbol)
  • Two-factor authentication


7. FAQs


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Having a FAQ section is a great way to build trust with your customers, as well as speed up the transaction process without them having to contact you. As much as possible, have an FAQ for every likely scenario that you deem pertinent, but don't overdo it.


8. Payment options


Aside from the usual payment options such as Paypal, credit, and debit, include advanced payment options like Apple Pay, Skrill, Amazon Pay, and other accessible alternatives. By doing this, you can cater to more customers who may not have debit or credit cards.


There are many more essential features that an e-commerce website should have, but these by far are some of the most important ones. If you're thinking of starting an online business, tell your website designer to include these essential features.

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