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4 Superb Social Media Tips for Small and Medium Businesses

At this day and age, if your business doesn’t take advantage of social media, then you’re just doing it wrong. First off, let’s talk about statistics. There are about 3.2 BILLION social media users; that’s a lot of potential customers. Furthermore, 73% of marketers agree that using social media is effective in marketing their business, and 54% of social media users utilize the platform to research products and services that they wish to purchase. In terms of promoting one’s business, social media is an easy, convenient, and affordable solution.

However, this also means that there’s a lot of competition in the platform, and you need to stay ahead of the game or at least keep up with your business competitors in terms of social media marketing and management. As such, we’ll be taking a look at different tips your small or medium-sized business can employ in order to maximize your social media marketing efforts and get more visitors, views, and customers:

#1 Post Quality Content Consistently

The two keywords here are ‘quality’ and ‘consistency.’ Unlike larger corporations, your business may not yet have the resources or access to a social media account manager/specialist or digital media marketing firm to create high-quality content consistently. And yet, you should know that you don’t really need one to be successful in your social media marketing efforts. However, it’s best to emulate them by being consistent in posting view-and-share-worthy content. Make sure that you post content every day or two that can attract potential customers and/or are worthy of getting ‘shared.’ Staying active is also a good way to let new customers know that your business is still operating (i.e., if a visitor sees that your last post was from 6 weeks ago, they may think that you’re out of business).

#2 Use Eye-catching and Compelling Visuals

Speaking of quality content, don’t skimp on the quality of photos you’re posting, even if you’re just announcing a promo or your new menu. Make sure that it stands out and ‘pops’ in your potential customer’s social media feed, and makes them curious. Use vibrant colors, humor, style, or aesthetically pleasing photography or graphics. As much as possible, you’d want to ‘go viral’ by posting visuals that your social media followers and viewers won’t hesitate to share. You can hire a local conceptual photographer in Manila to help your business produce awe-inspiring and striking photos to help promote your brand or products.

#3 Be Social, Be Interactive

Put the ‘social’ in social media by being more interactive with social media users that are commenting on your posts. Make sure to show appreciation towards satisfied customers that are commenting on your posts, as this helps build loyalty to your business. Likewise, you should properly respond to any negative comments or complaints to show that you do care in delivering superb service/products and prioritize customer satisfaction. You could also engage in humor and quips (just be careful not to offend anyone) in your social media’s comment sections. And lastly, you should promptly reply to any inquiries about your products and services — consider them as your ‘leads,’ and by answering these queries, these users are more likely to do business with you.

#4 Partner With Influencers

Getting celebrity endorsements can be very tricky and expensive. However, you do have the option to tap social media influencers to help promote your brand and products/services. Just be careful and stringent in picking them, and ascertain that their current audience/followers are in line with your business’ target market.


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Social media is an amazing marketing tool with near-limitless potential, and utilizing these social media tips for your small/medium business’ online marketing efforts will definitely help you make the most out of it.

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