a doctor in an operating room

Healthcare’s Notable Improvement in the Past Decade

The medical industry is a unique business sector. It will never run out of customers, regardless of whether it is pursuing marketing strategies or not. Business failure is a possibility, but that says more about a medical establishment’s location rather than practice or service. Even if a venture in the medical industry is almost a sure profit, innovation should remain part of the process. The landscape remains competitive, after all. However, it is not about picking and securing trends but implementing them as soon as it becomes apparent that it is the way to go for the industry. The healthcare sector is responsible for saving lives, after all.

Due to the nature of the industry, every innovation and advancement pursued is in the revolutionary category. Finding ways to shorten and strengthen patient experience and healthcare will always be good for humanity. The healthcare industry made significant advancements worthy of notice in the past decade. Here are a few of those improvements.

doctor using a laptop for telehealth

Electronic Patient Records

Time is valuable in every business, but it takes another degree of importance in the healthcare industry. The difference between life and death can be a matter of seconds. As a result, the patient experience should be as fast as possible. One of the areas giving both doctors and patients a headache is collecting information. Patients need to provide medical history and personal data before receiving an attending physician. The process is crucial for more accurate diagnosis and treatment, but it can be time-consuming. Fortunately, the past decade gave way to digitalization, and with it comes electronic patient records.

Hospitals and other medical establishments can make collecting patient info faster, an aspect that manual paper tracking can’t provide. There will be no repetitive and unnecessary tasks blocking patient care in its initial stages. All it takes is getting one patient info, most likely the full name, to trigger the cloud-based system’s search for the rest of the patient’s medical data. Electronic healthcare records are present in almost every health establishment’s operation, solidifying its position among the most notable improvements in healthcare.

Healthcare Analytics

There is no denying how much electronic healthcare records revolutionized modern medicine. While its primary purpose is to collect as much information and make the patient experience faster, medical establishments soon realized that it could be a problem when patients visit different hospitals and doctors. Most patients report to the nearest hospital in case of accidents and emergencies. In cases where urgent care is necessary, patient records with medical history and complications hold life-saving information.

Hospitals and doctors will avoid performing surgery and other medical processes until they have all the data. However, it can be challenging to retrieve patient files from another hospital. Fortunately, healthcare analytics allow for seamless transfer from external sources. Primary care doctors can send patient records to attending physicians, helping the latter provide proper care for their patients. However, medical data contains sensitive information about the person. Cyber attacks could expose those records during transfer. Fortunately, hospitals can benefit from ServiceNow healthcare services to ensure quality protection.


Healthcare is critical for people’s lives, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. The global crisis is responsible for over five million deaths, with most countries still suffering from lockdowns. Unfortunately, the virus is highly contagious, making face-to-face medical consultations dangerous. If you do not have severe Covid-19 symptoms, the best thing you can do is stay at home is isolate yourself. The same thing applies to mild diseases or illnesses. However, it can be challenging for patients to improve their health without doctor consultations. Fortunately, teleconsultations provided an alternative healthcare solution to the effective face-to-face approach.

Patients can stay at home and contact doctors through telehealth numbers. The strategy ensures that people can avoid visiting hospitals, which have been full of Covid-19 patients ever since the start of 2020. In efforts to prevent the further spread of infection, medical businesses pursued telehealth for non-emergencies. Doctors will attempt their best to provide an accurate diagnosis and recovery program because the alternative is terrifying. Patients had to visit hospitals and risk Covid-19 infection. Teleconsultation also paved the way for mobile healthcare, where patients and doctors can connect using mobile apps. The electronic device can empower people with enough medical knowledge to perform preventive measures or home remedies, eliminating the need to go to the hospital.

Healthcare evolved significantly over the past decade, and the advancements will not stop. The medical industry will always find ways to provide improved care for patients because it has to. There will be no room for slacking off when it comes to saving patients’ lives. These are only a few of the revolutionary advancements, and it wouldn’t be surprising to see more improvements for years to come.

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