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Ways to Improve Your Website to Grow Your B2B Business

The growth of eCommerce has no doubt accelerated recently to dominate the world of business. We don’t see it slowing down soon, with more and more people and locations gaining access to the internet to reap the benefits of online selling and buying. Last year, the U.S. saw an exponential 44% growth in online sales of products and services, and it is expected to grow another 27% this year.

If this isn’t enough reason for your business to intensify eCommerce efforts, then we don’t know what is. It’s common knowledge for any business to set up a website to get their brand known to prospects. However, in a period of rapid transition and intense competition, a basic website, more so one that is not optimized, can only bring us so far, whether we serve individual clients or other businesses.

Especially for B2B businesses, the website ideally should provide an attractive overview of their expertise and capabilities for target clients to know if they could match their specific needs. A prospect is often lost when bumping into any inconvenience while navigating a business’ website. For instance, it lags a lot, it has a confusing sitemap, or it doesn’t have adequate information, especially the business’ contact details. The website, therefore, has virtually replaced what used to be in-person business expos; it serves as your initial impression to cold prospects.

Some businesses are nailing the golden formula, consistently relevant content, optimized headers, image alt texts, page meta descriptions, and mobile-friendly features that get them to the first page on Google searches and attract more traffic than the industry average. On the other hand, other B2B companies are yet to catch up. If your website resonates more with the latter, learn how to rack up your credibility through your website with these current industry trends and effectively convert impressions into actual engagements:

Make Your Site Is Easy to Navigate and Mobile-friendly

Making your website’s features scalable for both PC and smartphone navigation is the least you can do because you’d rather encourage than discourage traffic into your site. And, just so you know, Google’s ranking criteria include how fast your site loads fast not just on PCs but also mobile phones. With this, you have to pay attention to the smallest details from the get-go; selecting a web hosting plan for your site that has a huge bandwidth is one.

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You design independently with tools such as WordPress, the world’s most prominent website builder that has its very own Elementor. It allows you to simultaneously set both the PC and mobile phone interfaces of your website aside from making it look sophisticated and trustworthy. On the other hand, you can also tap on third-party website developers such as Junction Creative Solutions to custom-build your site. As a rule of thumb, maintain a single column for your text blocks, use images that are optimally resized for placement on your site, and make online forms and any calls-to-action easily visible and, of course, easy to respond to.

Create High-quality and Educational Content

To establish credibility, it is only correct to exhibit the knowledge and authority you have in your niche by putting out relevant and informative content consistently. Aside from doing this on your social media sites, it would be better to centralize all this industry knowledge on your website. This may be in the form of blog posts or, better, case studies you conducted for actual clients, and don’t forget to conduct search engine optimization to heighten your chances of ranking on Google.

If you’re at a stage in your business wherein you have all these funnels set up, it will be a plus to create premium content for your high-ticket audience. Common examples of this are online coaching, downloadable manuals or ebooks, and podcasts. Just remember to avoid being too pushy with your offers and sprinkling them everywhere within this content. Your primary goal is to help and educate, while your client’s goal is to look for solutions to problems in their business. They want to gauge if you’re capable of helping them with your expertise.

Case Studies over Testimonials

It’s better to showcase case studies than client testimonials because case studies present improvements in clients’ performance in concise numbers or percentages. In contrast, testimonials, most often than not, are merely statements that compliment your work. Statistical figures demonstrate your efficiency in delivering your services and, in turn, your company’s achievement. Case studies are just a more detailed way you impart the real-life application of your business processes to clients who might experience the same problems.

In a way, a business’s website is one of its biggest assets that are worth investing in. Making the most out of it could yield you exponential returns in the form of leads converted into buyers. Today, competing in the saturated world of eCommerce is challenging, and having a well-set-up website is indeed one way to stay afloat.

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