Working in the wilderness

Working in the Wilderness: What to Prepare for

  • Digital nomadism’s growing popularity has led some to work in wilderness areas, requiring careful preparation.
  • Before venturing, research the destination, including climate, internet availability, amenities, and safety.
  • Necessary equipment includes a portable water filler, a reliable tent, a solar power supply, and outdoor cooking tools.
  • Awareness of potential dangers such as unpredictable weather, wildlife encounters, medical emergencies, and fire hazards ensures safety.

The concept of digital nomadism is rapidly gaining popularity, as it offers a unique blend of work flexibility and travel opportunities. A study by MBO Partners showed an impressive 4.8 million independent workers currently describing themselves as digital nomads. Many are drawn to this lifestyle due to its inherent promise of freedom and the shift away from the conventional 9-5 office routine. The ability to work from exotic locations and the convenience of technology has made it a viable option for more people. Furthermore, research from Buffer’s ‘State of Remote Work’ report reveals that 99% of respondents would like to work remotely, at least some of the time, for the rest of their careers. This data suggests a strong and growing interest in the digital nomad lifestyle.

However, you might want to take being a digital nomad lifestyle further by working in the wilderness. This could involve remote locations like national parks, forests, or rural areas with limited internet connectivity. Working in nature is the ultimate challenge if you want to test out the true extent of your digital nomadism. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for this exciting adventure.

Research Your Destination

Thorough research on your chosen destination is vital when planning to work in the wilderness. The more knowledge you have, the better you’ll be able to handle unexpected situations. Here are a few key factors you should consider:

  1. Climate and Weather: Understand the typical weather conditions for the area during your planned stay. This will help you pack appropriate clothing and equipment and prepare for potential weather-related challenges.
  2. Internet Connectivity: Being a digital nomad means you need reliable internet to work efficiently. Research available local internet providers, signal strength, and possible backup options like satellite internet.
  3. Local Amenities: Identify the locations of essential amenities such as grocery stores, healthcare facilities, and supply shops. These will be crucial for your daily living and in case of emergencies.
  4. Safety Concerns: Learn about potential safety issues, such as wildlife threats, local crime rate, or risky terrain. This information will help you plan a safe stay.

By arming yourself with comprehensive knowledge about your wilderness location, you can ensure a productive and enjoyable work-life experience.

Get the Essential Equipment

Preparation in the wilderness

Working in the wilderness is much like preparing for a camping trip. Just like camping, it requires meticulous planning, preparation, and the right equipment to ensure a successful and safe experience.

Portable Water Filler

One of the crucial pieces of equipment you need is a reliable portable water filler. Access to clean, drinkable water is not a guarantee in the wilderness. A portable water filler can filter out harmful bacteria and parasites, ensuring you have safe water to drink.

Reliable Tent and Sleeping Gear

A sturdy tent and comfortable sleeping gear are essential for your stay in the wilderness. They provide a safe and comfortable place for rest and sleep. Ensure your tent is waterproof and resilient against the wind. An inflatable sleeping pad and a warm sleeping bag can make your nights comfortable even in the most remote locations.

Portable Power Supply

As a digital nomad, you will need to power your devices. Solar-powered chargers and power banks are excellent options for keeping your devices charged. They’re portable and can harness the sun’s power, which is especially useful if you stay sunny.

Outdoor Cooking Equipment

Lastly, using outdoor cooking equipment, such as a portable gas stove, cooking utensils, and non-perishable food supplies. Being able to cook your meals will save you money and give you the flexibility to eat when you want, especially when local amenities may be miles away.

Remember, the key to successfully working in the wilderness is preparation. Equipping yourself with the right tools and equipment can turn the challenge of wilderness work into an incredible adventure.

Being Aware of the Dangers

Wilderness preparations for digital nomadism

While the lure of working in the wilderness is enticing, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential dangers that come with it. Being mindful and prepared for these risks helps ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Weather Extremities

The wilderness is often subject to unpredictable weather patterns that can vary dramatically. Always watch the forecast, and be prepared for sudden changes. A weather radio can provide updates and warnings about severe weather in your area.

Wildlife Encounters

The wilderness is home to various wildlife, some of which might pose a threat. Be aware of the common nature in the area and know how to react in case of an encounter. Carry bear spray or other wildlife deterrents and understand how to use them effectively.

Medical Emergencies

In the wilderness, you are far away from the immediate medical aid. Thus, having a well-stocked first-aid kit and knowing basic first-aid procedures is essential. Consider attending a wilderness first-aid course before your trip.

Fire Hazards

A campfire can be essential for warmth and cooking but can pose a severe risk. Always follow fire safety guidelines, and ensure your fire is fully extinguished before you leave or sleep.

By staying aware of these dangers and taking proactive measures, you can ensure your wilderness work experience is safe and unforgettable.

Final Thoughts

Working in the wilderness can be a fun adventure, especially as a digital nomad. It allows you to work in an environment far from city life’s hustle and bustle, surrounded by nature. However, it requires thorough preparation and awareness of potential risks. So, if you’re up for the challenge, research your destination well, have the right equipment, and stay mindful of any dangers.

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