Businessman looking at website analytics

Uncovering the Mysteries of Web Analytics

A successful business pays close attention to their website analytics. Website analytics or metrics tell you how many people are accessing your website, for how long, and where these users come from. Optimizing your website according to how these metrics turn out is key to turning visitors into customers.

A reputable SEO company in Virginia or other states will analyze your site’s traffic as part of their services. Read on to learn the basics of website traffic, so you can better prepare for your meeting with a digital marketing agency.

Learn Where Your Traffic Comes From

Knowing where your traffic is coming from will help you understand where your content is most consumed and where your marketing efforts must be concentrated on. Traffic can come in different ways: direct, organic, referral, paid, email, social media, and others.

Direct traffic comes from people typing your URL to access it; organic refers to search engine clicks. People who click through to your site from other websites are grouped under referral traffic. Paid traffic comes from advertisement while email and social traffic come from clickthroughs that originate from emails or social media. Other types of traffic come from any way other than those specified above.

Understand Your Audience and Give Them What They Want

Casting a wide net to get the most people may seem ideal, but it’s capturing a unique audience that really makes a website successful. If you understand what the majority of people who visit your site wants out of your content, you can adapt to the types of formats and topics they’re most likely to read. When a piece of content presented in search engines or social media aligns with the content on the actual site, consumers are more likely to browse your site.

Search Engine Optimization

Your SEO company’s bread and butter are improving your website’s chances of appearing on search engine results. Optimizing means fitting what your audience wants out of your site. If you’re an auto manufacturer, you’ll want to gear your blog’s content towards topics relevant to your services and products. This way, users are more likely to discover your content through search engines that present your content as a perfect match for what a user needs.

Unique Visitors

Unique visitors refer to individuals who access your website regardless of the frequency of their visits. If a user from Virginia with a unique IP address visits your website three times within the period that a report covers, they’re still counted as one user.

Use This Data for Monthly Marketing Reports

Business team discussing analytics with a tablet

Even when you’re moonlighting as your own marketing team, creating a monthly marketing report reaps great benefits for any website. This helps executives understand how their website helps move sales, exposure, and other metrics. These reports condense the information you’ve combed through into a digestible format. Informed decisions that result in more wins than mistakes are made of good marketing reports, so make sure you keep up with these.

Standing out in a big ocean of websites is tough, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Keep the tips above in mind when you’re acting as your own website manager or when working with professionals and you’re bound to get good quality traffic to your site.

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