
These are the Most Engaging Video Types

Video is a powerful marketing tool because it combines expressions, emotions, tone of voice and production. It has a way of reaching a wider audience and improving the probability of conversion. However, certain types of videos engage people more compared to others.

Determine what these are to get the results you want. Experts on corporate audio and video production mention the following types that engage viewers the most.

Meet the Team Videos

One effective way to humanise your company is to create and publish a meet-the-team video. Customers want to know more about the people behind the products and services they patronise. This provides them with a glimpse of your values.

If the latter is similar to what your target audience believes in, you might turn them into loyal consumers who will recommend you in their social networks.

Interviews with Industry Experts

Roundtable talks and interviews with industry experts put you in a position of authority as well. Potential customers only trust those with a proven record. It also provides you with a way to connect with future partners that helps you expand your business.

A good interview has a guideline and a set of questions but should appear unscripted and free-flowing. Identify topics that your audience might appreciate and focus on these. Interviews are also a way to publish content quickly.

When you make one every week, every two weeks or monthly, you already have sure content.

Presentation of Expertise

TED Talks have increased in popularity over the years; these show the ability of speakers to showcase their storytelling and make their case. This also provides you with an opportunity to become an authority in your field.

A presentation combines the elements of a webinar and an event that piques the excitement of your intended audience. This allows you to create and build on a strong narrative that pushes your brand up the totem pole. Combine data, humour and stories to reel your viewers in and potentially convert them.

Event Videos

shooting a video

This type of video generates buzz around your brand. This allows you to reach your audience without them attending. Before, video events are expensive because of the crew and equipment you need to hire. Fast forward to today, the advent of social media websites and smartphones, it’s easy to capture snippets and highlights of an event and share them instantly.

Companies can create montages of these and share them on their social networking sites. This provides a glimpse of how fun and successful an event is to an interested audience. They might want to attend the next one because of the videos you posted.

Customer Testimonials

A testimonial from a satisfied customer encourages others to patronise your services and purchase your products. Post these frequently because word-of-mouth advertising is more effective than a brand talking about itself and singing its praises.

Allow the testimonial to be free-flowing; let the customer say what they want about your products. This authenticity brings you closer to your intended audience.

These are only some of the video types you can use to improve your reach. Publish these to connect with your audience and convert at a higher rate.

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