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Low-Tech Marketing Strategies You Should Be Using For Your Business

Technology can help a lot in setting up a sophisticated marketing strategy. Thanks to the e-commerce industry and the Internet, every click you make is tracked and measured to give valuable information to marketing and sales teams everywhere. However, it is not always the high-tech systems that can make a significant impact. Offering freebies or even packs of water, candies, or samples with your company name still work wonders.

Discover some creative low-tech marketing approaches that can boost your company’s profile and marketing strategy.

  1. The landing page

There are several companies that send readers to their homepage in advertising campaigns and social media. They believe that sending readers to the main entry point will allow them to see everything they can offer. However, it is possible to create new pages that will be the default page a reader lands on. A carefully crafted landing page can help you with the following:

  • Delivering a special deal or a targeted message to different audience segments. After all, not everyone will have the same concerns or needs.
  • Measuring web traffic from a specific campaign. If the lading page is available only through the marketing campaign, you won’t need sophisticated analytics programming.

Make sure that the landing page is effective with a call to action as well as navigation to where the reader wants to go. Your audience should not get frustrated searching for more information.

  1. Drip marketing

This is an old advertising strategy that provides a solution to staying on top of the customers’ minds. It is built upon the concept where you use little information for targeting your audience. This information is something they can use regularly. Drip Marketing is about creating a balance between staying in touch and engaging the customers without throwing a lot of information at them.

The main reason companies like this marketing strategy is that it is easy to automate. All you have to do is write a few social media posts or emails in advance and then set up this content to be posted at regular intervals.

  1. Referrals

Referrals add a human touch to your networking efforts. People trust referrals and reviews from people they know instead of generic marketing. Moreover, loyalty programs and referrals are a low-tech method for growing your customer base. Even a simple memo on Twitter or Facebook saying something like, “Share this post and enjoy 10% off your next purchase.”

review on a typewriter

Also, it is important to harness the power of reviews. Find out which social media platforms are used by your audience, and then make sure that you are collecting reviews from your customers. Remember that you cannot control bad reviews. However, if you solicit positive reviews, then the good reviews will outweigh the bad ones.

These marketing approaches show that you don’t need a fancy idea for getting more audience. Whether you sell clothes or a pack of water, you can use these techniques as a quick workaround and up your company’s marketing game. Through these approaches, you will have implemented sophisticated marketing efforts and refined your strategy to gain maximum ROI.

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