business owner

Coffee, Tea and Business Harmony: Factors that Matter When Starting a Small Cafe

Starting a new business is not just about pursuing trends, or you’d like to go for it “just because.” Being an entrepreneur takes more than just the willingness to spend for the startup. Suppose you want your business to grow and flourish. In that case, you have to have a solid business plan, an initial startup budget, extra savings for unexpected expenses, and the passion for serving. You have to embrace the products that you sell and serve your clients with excellence. Here are some insider tips on how you can successfully open up a small cafe and roll from there.

Find an Excellent Coffee Roaster

When it comes to opening a cafe, a great coffee roaster will be your perfect business partner. Contact food service and equipment providers like Lakeside to give you an edge over your competitors. But additionally, you still need a reliable roaster that will provide you perfectly roasted coffee on time and all the time. Grow your relationship with your suppliers, especially on food and equipment. It is also wise to purchase coffee equipment once you have settled nicely in your niche.

Connect with People You Can Trust

Opening a legitimate business will also involve the services of business lawyers, accountants or bookkeepers, and insurance agents. These people will take care of the nuances of your business while you focus on perfecting your special brew, building rapport with your customers, and generating more revenues. With the right lawyers and financial partners, you can sleep better without worrying too much about taxes, insurance coverage, and staff benefits.

coffee machine

Be A Coffee Geek

As a cafe owner, you have to know everything about coffee, products, and services offered. Train yourself to learn roasting techniques and how to brew coffee or tea. Be a geek when it comes to what you are selling from coffee origins, varieties, cupping, flavor profile, and many more. If you can, be an expert and share your knowledge with your cafe staff. Seeing your passion for the cafe will encourage your people to learn to love it as well.

Price Your Products Appropriately

Pricing cafe products and services can be complicated, but it can be done. Knowing the metrics is key in learning how to price your products accordingly. For instance, you need to know how many cups of coffee, lattes, espresso, or cappuccinos you need to sell for you to break even. Likewise, you should also consider the number of cups you need to sell each day so that you will get paid.    Always remember the holy axiom in businesses when it comes to pricing. If a lot of people are complaining about your prices, then it is too high. If no one complains about it, it is too low. The price is right if there are a few people who still complain about it.

Being in the service business is ongoing hard work that only the most passionate can do. If you are passionate about your business, you will not mind the long working hours. However, after a few years, you have to see growth and your potential exit from the business. Thus, make sure that you hire the best people and make connections with people that you trust.

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