christmas lights

10 Fun Things Adults Can Do During a Pandemic Christmas

By now, it is no secret that holiday celebrations this year will be entirely different from the previous years. A lot of our plans for the entire year were disrupted and canceled by the coronavirus. But that’s not enough to stop us from celebrating Christmas. Sure, we may be confined to our homes but you know the old saying, there’s no place like home for the holidays.

While a lot of folks may be spending this season apart from their loved ones or may decide to celebrate individually, you only have to be creative to come up with interesting and fun things to do during the holiday season. Apart from choosing a community platform and socializing with people online, there are other ways to keep you occupied and entertained this season.


10 Fun Quarantine Christmas Activities Adults Can Do

1. Bake and decorate Christmas cookies

Aside from being a great activity to do, baking cookies also give your home such a pleasant and cozy aroma that creates feelings of warmth and fuzziness. You can bake your favorite cookies or work on a new one you haven’t tried yet. Plenty of recipes for yummy holiday treats are available online.

2. Go all out with your holiday decors

Since you will be spending a lot of time at home during this holiday season, why don’t you make your home as visually pleasing as possible? Don’t go minimalist this year. Go all out with your decors. Let this become a form of therapy for you.

3. Concoct a cozy cocktail

Wintertime is a great time to enjoy a cup of hot treats. There are a lot of interesting festive winter flavors that taste really great in cocktails. Look for a recipe online and whip up a batch to enjoy on a cold winter morning with your loved ones or by yourself.

4. Work on a holiday puzzle

Puzzles are a great way to pass the time. It also does wonders in keeping your mind sharp. Working on a thousand-piece or more puzzle is awesome for relaxing during the holidays. You can even set the mood by adding a few scented candles and some music playing in the background.

5. Create a few salt-dough ornaments

If you have nothing better to do, why don’t you take on something creative like making your own Christmas ornaments? You don’t need to go out of your way to look for materials because they’re right in your kitchen.

christmas basket

6. Showcase your talents online

Amuse yourself by singing or dancing and recording yourself on video. Apps like TikTok allow you to do fun and silly stuff and share it with your friends online so you all can get a good dose of laughter and fun. Whether you’re extremely talented or you’re operating on pure guts alone, this is a sure way to beat boredom while you’re stuck at home.

7. Enjoy a Christmas book or two

Picture this: you’re by the fire in your favorite chair with cookies and a warm cup of hot cocoa with a heartwarming Christmas book to keep you company. If that doesn’t sound like a lovely way to spend a winter day or night, we don’t know what is.

8. Assemble gift packages and mail them to your loved ones

If you’re not doing anything, you might as well get some of your holiday gift-giving list ticked off. You can start working on assembling gift packages for your loved ones and their families and have them sent off. It’s better to get a headstart to avoid shipping delays. Plus it’s always fun to buy and wrap presents.

9. Host virtual Christmas parties with your friends

If you can’t go out to a party yet, bring the party online. Host a Zoom meeting where you and your loved ones can get together and have a virtual party. You can just have a simple video call and hangout or you can plan something more elaborate to celebrate the season.

10. Binge-watch holiday-themed movies

The holidays are a great time to binge-watch movies and TV shows. You have several great streaming options that offer a wide range of movies. But the best ones to watch at this time of the year are heartwarming feel-good Christmas-themed movies.

Spending Christmas in the quarantine may not be the ideal holiday scenario but given the present circumstances, we just need to work with what we have and make the best out of it. We hope that you found the above-mentioned tips helpful and that you and your families remain safe and healthy throughout this season.


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