businessman having a headache

How to Get Cancer Treatments Without Sacrificing Your Business

  • Prioritize your health and attend all medical appointments.
  • Communicate with your team and delegate responsibilities when needed.
  • Lean on networks of colleagues, friends, and other professionals for support.
  • Take care of your mental health by engaging in activities that help you relax and cope with stress.
  • Explore support groups like the American Cancer Society, Cancer Support Community, Livestrong, and MyLifeLine.Org.

A cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming and life-changing, often forcing individuals to re-evaluate their priorities and make drastic lifestyle changes. Balancing cancer treatments and managing a company might seem unimaginable when you’re a business owner.

However, it’s not unheard of for entrepreneurs to continue running their businesses while fighting cancer. This article will discuss the challenges of battling cancer while managing a business and how some individuals have successfully navigated this difficult journey.

Prioritize Your Health

When battling cancer while managing a business, the first and most important thing is to prioritize your health. You may be tempted to put your business first, but taking care of yourself should be your primary focus. That includes attending all appointments, following your treatment plan, and taking breaks to rest and recover.

It would also be helpful to look for healthcare service providers that can help make things easier for you. For example, instead of waiting in line for an MRI appointment, which can take up so much of your time, why not consider private MRI scan services where you can be treated like a VIP? Doing this will help you save time and energy that can then be devoted to running your business.

Communicate with Your Team

business people in a meeting

Managing your team is one of the biggest challenges of managing a business while dealing with cancer. Communicating with your team about your situation is essential so they know of any possible changes.

This will help them understand your needs and be supportive during this difficult time. Also, consider delegating some responsibilities and tasks to employees who can handle them in your absence. Be open and honest about what you can and cannot do, and ask for help when needed.

Lean on Your Networks

As a business owner, you likely have a network of colleagues, friends, and other professionals you can lean on for support. Don’t be afraid to reach out to these individuals in times of hardship.

Having someone to confide in can be incredibly helpful in maintaining a positive mindset. Additionally, tap into your networks to seek advice or practical help when managing your business. You might be surprised by the willingness of your community to help.

Take Care of Your Mental Health

Taking care of your mental health while battling cancer and managing a business is essential. Depression and anxiety are common in cancer patients but can be managed with therapy, meditation, or other mindfulness practices. Prioritize activities that help you relax and cope with stress, such as exercise, spending time with loved ones, or indulging in a hobby you enjoy.

Explore Support Groups

It can be hard to communicate your feelings and get the support you need from people who have not experienced cancer. Fortunately, some support groups can provide emotional support, information, and advice from people who understand what you’re going through.

American Cancer Society

The American Cancer Society (ACS) provides cancer support services for patients, survivors, and caregivers. They offer counseling, support groups, and workshops for people of all ages and backgrounds. The ACS also provides informational resources on its website for cancer patients and their loved ones. They have a Cancer Survivors Network (CSN), an online community for cancer patients.

Cancer Support Community

support group around a man talking

The Cancer Support Community (CSC) is a global non-profit organization supporting people affected by cancer. They offer counseling, support groups, and educational workshops on cancer-related topics. They also provide online support groups for people who can’t attend in-person meetings.


The Livestrong Foundation is a non-profit organization supporting people affected by cancer. They have a free cancer support service that provides one-on-one support to cancer patients. They also offer a range of educational materials, such as survivor blogs, expert advice, patient stories, and information on treatment options.


MyLifeLine.Org is an online cancer support community that enables cancer patients to connect with friends, family, and caregivers. This platform provides online support groups, a blog, and a care calendar tool that lets people schedule appointments, send reminders and offer help. It has a secure, user-friendly interface that allows people to control their privacy.

The Bottom Line

Battling cancer while managing a business can be a difficult and overwhelming journey, but it’s not impossible. You can successfully navigate this challenging time by prioritizing your health, communicating with your team, exploring support groups, leaning on your networks, and taking care of your mental health. Remember, focusing on taking care of yourself first is essential, and everything else will fall into place.

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